Одинокое гуляние по Панама Сити
День 8

Одинокое гуляние по Панама Сити

Ну что же, теперь я полностью акклиматизировалась и адаптировалась. Наступила пора быть настоящей туристкой. Я вооружилась своим телефоном-мыльницей и пошла гулять.

Сначала, впрочем, как обычно, я оказалась в каком-то промышленном районе. Упорно делаю вид, что так и надо. Фотографирую все подряд с тайной надеждой увидеть указатель «Центр вон там».

Так в поисках дороги домой прошел весь. Смеркалось) Мои ноги судорожно несли меня в сторону гостиницы, ускоряясь соответственно уменьшению люмен в окружающей среде.

Когда уже совсем стемнело, я наконец-то добралась до проспекта, хорошо освещенного и многолюдного. Как-то здесь поспокойней, чем на темных узеньких улочках, где уже собирались молодые ребята. Возможно, конечно, они просто тусят, но проверять эту теорию желания пока нет :)

День обогатил меня опытом ориентирования на местности и кучей фоток.

Следующим утром (30 мая), устав от бессмысленного и праздного шатания по Панама Сити, я решила наконец-то спланировать свое путешествие. Со следующей страной я определилась несколько дней назад, поэтому настало время получить визу, дабы осуществить свой дерзкий замысел. Я погуглила офис посольства Колумбии и относительно утром отправилась в путь, естественно пешком (лишних денег на такси не было, а пользоваться местным автобусом я так и не научилась).

Не пройдя и 10 минут, я попала под тропический дождь, т. е. нехилый такой ливень. На моё счастье, меня подобрал сжалившийся чернокожий панамец (иногда хорошо быть молодой белой девушкой в коротеньких шортах :). За рулем оказался интеллигентный человек в приличном костюме, свободно разговаривающий на английском и, конечно, восхищенный мною. Он с радостью подвез меня до офиса Колумбии и, к моей радости, не пытался позвать на свидание. Когда я вышла из машины, я осознала, что не различаю чернокожих по лицам. Вот такое практически расистское открытие ждало меня в тот день. Но я не виновата! «Все одинаковые» — научно обоснованная реакция представителей одной расы по отношению к другой. Я честно где-то об этом читала.

В офисе посольства милые приятные девушки на ломаном английском записали меня на «апоймент» — через неделю. Оставаться в Панама Сити смысла не было, поэтому я забронировала первый в моей жизни хостел в городе Давид и стала готовиться к дороге. Завтра будет большой день — ведь как только я покину столицу Панамы, это будет означать, что путешествие началось по-настоящему. Другими словами, сбежать в международный аэропорт Токумен теперь будет проблематичнее :)

Тэги: выводы дня, Панама Сити, чернокожие, деньги

Настроение: спокойно-неспокойный, довольный, задумчивый, стратегический

The horizon, of course, is tilted, but still, I wanted to share such an unusual for my eyes temple in Panama City.
The horizon, of course, is tilted, but still, I wanted to share such an unusual for my eyes temple in Panama City.
The front view shows that the building dates back to 1815. It is excellently preserved, in my opinion, in Panama City.
The front view shows that the building dates back to 1815. It is excellently preserved, in my opinion, in Panama City.
These are the slum houses I've found while walking around Panama City. It looked like a dorm, but I didn't want to linger and examine it closely.
These are the slum houses I've found while walking around Panama City. It looked like a dorm, but I didn't want to linger and examine it closely.
Some kind of military memorial. Judging by the wilted wreath, this place is not very popular in Panama City.
Some kind of military memorial. Judging by the wilted wreath, this place is not very popular in Panama City.
I saw a sign with the inviting word
I saw a sign with the inviting word "central", but I could not find a way to cross to the other side. Crossing the road on a busy street in Panama City was scary for me.
This is what the school stadium looks like. Not so different from our schools. In Panama City, teachers are similarly annoyed by lazy students :)
This is what the school stadium looks like. Not so different from our schools. In Panama City, teachers are similarly annoyed by lazy students :)
On the bridge over the road to the center of Panama City. Or not to the center. I got lost already :D
On the bridge over the road to the center of Panama City. Or not to the center. I got lost already :D
These are the usual public transport stops in Panama City. Ordinary people, everyday life.
These are the usual public transport stops in Panama City. Ordinary people, everyday life.
Coconuts on the street in Panama City! Ownerless and still green. At hand's reach :)
Coconuts on the street in Panama City! Ownerless and still green. At hand's reach :)
The new esplanade of Panama City and the happy youth and friendly Panamanian families resting there.
The new esplanade of Panama City and the happy youth and friendly Panamanian families resting there.
View of the ocean from the coast of Panama City.
View of the ocean from the coast of Panama City.
As we call it, a
As we call it, a "private" residential area in Panama City.
At the sight of such houses and liquids of unknown origin pouring from them (straight into the street from a pipe that sticks out from the balcony), I suddenly wanted to return to the center of Panama City.
At the sight of such houses and liquids of unknown origin pouring from them (straight into the street from a pipe that sticks out from the balcony), I suddenly wanted to return to the center of Panama City.
The local university in Panama City looks pretty good, and student life is in full swing, like in any other country.
The local university in Panama City looks pretty good, and student life is in full swing, like in any other country.
You can always find something in common in any country and city, even in Panama City.
You can always find something in common in any country and city, even in Panama City.
Non-commercial real photo of the city life of Panama City on the most ordinary day outside the tourist center of the city.
Non-commercial real photo of the city life of Panama City on the most ordinary day outside the tourist center of the city.
Never before have I seen such a huge construction crane specifically for the creation of skyscrapers, Panama City.
Never before have I seen such a huge construction crane specifically for the creation of skyscrapers, Panama City.
Not only the stone jungle is characteristic of Panama City, there are enough parks and squares.
Not only the stone jungle is characteristic of Panama City, there are enough parks and squares.
A whimsical statue of local art in a residential area of Panama City.
A whimsical statue of local art in a residential area of Panama City.
Unexpected oriental motifs in the center of Panama City.
Unexpected oriental motifs in the center of Panama City.
Never before have I seen such marvelous architecture and sculpture. Unfortunately, the gates were locked, keeping this secret in my memory of Panama City.
Never before have I seen such marvelous architecture and sculpture. Unfortunately, the gates were locked, keeping this secret in my memory of Panama City.
It was in Panama City that I've first seen how various kinds of artists perform at traffic lights.
It was in Panama City that I've first seen how various kinds of artists perform at traffic lights.
Incredibly beautiful church in the newest center of Panama City.
Incredibly beautiful church in the newest center of Panama City.
Sometimes even a panoramic photo cannot convey the grandeur of the church. As, for example, in the case of this church in Panama City.
Sometimes even a panoramic photo cannot convey the grandeur of the church. As, for example, in the case of this church in Panama City.
I don't know why but I photograph almost every monument in Panama City.
I don't know why but I photograph almost every monument in Panama City.
Photographing a man significant for his country, whose bust stands in the central park of Panama City, I kind of pay tribute to his achievements.
Photographing a man significant for his country, whose bust stands in the central park of Panama City, I kind of pay tribute to his achievements.
Perhaps someone will be so interested that they will find information about this person only by name, which I photographed along with a monument in Panama City.
Perhaps someone will be so interested that they will find information about this person only by name, which I photographed along with a monument in Panama City.
View of the Panama City business city from a clean and new esplanade.
View of the Panama City business city from a clean and new esplanade.
My walking route to the Colombian embassy in Panama City. Seemed close enough to take a walk there.
My walking route to the Colombian embassy in Panama City. Seemed close enough to take a walk there.
Последнее изменение: 05.01.2024